Daniella Thomas

Full Name: Daniella Elizabeth Melissa Thomas-Bullock
Date of Birth: September 2
Height: 6’0″
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Most Likely to… Burn her archenemy’s house down
Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York
Siblings: Jessica, Audrey, Eric, Claudia-Michelle, Moira-Selene, Gretchen
Other Relatives: Irene (Mother), Robert (Father), David Wolfe (Stepfather) Cassandra, Jennifer, Samantha, Evie (Evangeline), Chelsea and Diane (Cousins)
Favorite Color: The orange-red of flame
Favorite Food: Pineapple pizza
Favorite Animation: Wonder Woman
Pets: Hero (Cat)
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Car: Violet Chrysler Sebring convertible
Loves: Silk, cute guys, getting her way
Theme Song: “Red-Blooded Woman” by Kylie Minogue
Gifted Trait: Able to start a fire when in an agitated state; also can manipulate existing flames around her and raise temperatures of objects by merely looking at them

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